Roqqett Blog

November 22, 2021
Author: Joelle Phua

Snoop vs Roqqett: Which is best for budgeting?

Discover which financial app, Snoop or Roqqett, is better for budgeting.

Quick Summary

  • Review of budgeting with Roqqett
  • Review of budgeting with Snoop
  • Comparison of Snoop and Roqqett's features

Looking to get into budgeting? Overwhelmed by all the budgeting apps out there? Fear not, you’ve come to the right place! While there are a lot of comparison articles for finance and budgeting apps, we’re including a new and innovative app in our lineup. So here’s our comparison to find out what is the best app for budgeting! 

In this round, we’ll compare the Snoop app with the Roqqett app. Which one will come out on top for budgeting? Read on to find out…

Both Snoop and Roqqett apps use Open Banking technology to bring you the latest advancements in banking. Thanks to Open Banking security, Snoop and Roqqett never see your bank details. You can be rest assured that the bank-grade security will keep your finances safe and secure whichever of the two apps you choose to use. 

Now let’s get to the nitty-gritty of both Snoop and Roqqett.


The Roqqett app’s industry-leading features and the jam-packed app has everything that you need to make your Roqqett experience your own - there’s nothing worse than realising the finance app your download doesn’t work for your unique situation!

Find out your money personality and get personalised tips on how to use Roqqett according to your personality so that you’re not overwhelmed with where to start. You’ll also love the minimal and straightforward interface that makes other apps **cough, Snoop** look unnecessarily confusing.

Spending Insights

The biggest advantage of using Roqqett for budgeting is the robust and detailed insights feature. You can find the insights section from the bottom navigation bar which is easy to get to as you’ll probably be checking on your spending analytics often.

When you land on the insights section, you’re greeted with a simple pie chart showing you your top 5 categories to spend in. Roqqett shows you all your transactions so that you don’t need to go digging for that receipt, it’s all in the app at the palm of your hand!

This is super helpful for budgeting as you can break down all your spending into as granular detail as you’d like. Here are just a few examples of how you can filter your spending:

  • Categories - e.g. Eating out/in, transport and more
  • Merchants
  • Time periods - last 30 days, 3 months and year
  • Individual transactions
  • Sort by amount or date

An example of Roqqett's category breakdown.

Average transactions

By far our favourite feature for budgeting in Roqqett is the average transaction per category or merchant. You’ll find this when you click into any category or merchant

The beauty of the automatic calculation takes that headache off you, which makes budgeting accessible to even the least maths-savvy person! We’ll provide the accurate data to inform your next budgeting period so you can focus on reviewing your weekly or monthly budget.

Percentage change in spending

Next to the average transaction is the percentage change in spending of a certain category or merchant. Without this, you’d have to manually calculate every month’s spending and then compare each one. In Roqqett, all the information is automatically laid out for you, empowering you to better decide where to cut back on.

Spending categories

Roqqett also keeps track of the different categories you’re spending in, meaning that it’s all organised, ready for your budget review. If you’re not completely happy with how a transaction is categorised, you can edit that - either for that single transaction or all past and future transactions in that group. 


Of course, to be able to take advantage of all of the smart insights of Roqqett, you’ll need to connect your accounts. Doing so is simple and you’re guided through the process when you sign up. 

The more accounts you connect, the more accurate your spending insights will be. This also has the added benefit of seeing an overview of all your accounts in one place - the Roqqett app. Think of Roqqett as your new hub for all things spending and budgeting. ;) 


While Snoop isn’t explicitly designed for budgeting (as you’ll be able to tell by the features or lack thereof), it does have helpful functionalities that can complement other budgeting tools (such as Roqqett 👀).

We like to be positive around here, so let’s go through the good stuff first.


As with Roqqett, you can connect various accounts with Snoop. The benefit being that you can connect credit cards like American Express.

Although the experience of connecting accounts is slower than Roqqett, Snoop immediately provides a quick report on your finances as soon as your connection is complete. This is helpful because you don’t need to dig through your data to understand what’s going on in your accounts.

An example of a summary when you connect a new account in Snoop.

Estimated regular payments

Since Snoop’s main proposition is to save you money, they estimate how much you’ll spend on regular payments. This can include:

  • Bills
  • Subscriptions 
  • Memberships

This helps you to budget how much to set aside for these regular payments. It would be even better if this feature was more discoverable than a notification and hidden in the “this month” tab under the long list of regular payments. Even we got confused!

Weekly spending summary

Although Snoop doesn’t have a robust at-a-glance summary, they do provide a weekly summary of your transactions. It’s a good reminder and recap of your weekly spending which can be a basis of your weekly budgeting, but it literally shows a list of transactions. That’s it...

In order to find new information (e.g. average daily spending), you have to go to the “Snoops” section and read a blog-esque summary of your card spending. Not only is it just a long article (who has time for that?!), the layout is very heavy on text and for the busy budgeter like you, that’s not conducive to quick and easy budgeting.

So we think this is only useful if you do weekly summaries, any period longer than that, you’ll have to manually go to the spend analysis section.

Spend analysis

Analysing spending is key for any level of budgeter. Unfortunately, it seems that Snoop doesn’t place much emphasis on spending insights as Roqqett does. 

The almost invisible button on the homepage is the only way to navigate to your analytics. And when you land on the analytics page, there’s a line graph that shows how your current spending compares to the previous month. Though it might be a good rough estimate, it’s rendered almost useless as you can’t click on the graph to find out how much you spent on a particular day.

Pro budgeters might want to customise the period of time you’re looking at but you can only compare by month in Snoop. The plus side is that you can create your own custom categories.

If you want a deeper comparison into money insights, read this blog here.


Overall, Roqqett definitely has the more holistic feature set for budgeting. Snoop is more saving-orientated which shows in its lack of thorough consideration for core functionalities like analytics. 

Download Roqqett for free to take your budgeting to the next level today!

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