Roqqett Blog

August 4, 2021
Author: Alexandra Hurst

How to start a meetup group

We’ve created the ultimate guide to creating a meetup group.

Quick Summary

We’ve created the ultimate guide to creating a meet-up group below.

1. Why are you meeting?

2. Build your profile

3. Location, Location, Location

4. Set the date

5. Capacity

6. Covering costs

7. Promotion is key


Firstly, what is a meetup group?

A group of people who organise a meetup to enjoy a particular shared interest. For example a book club, pottery making or wild swimmers of Bristol group. 

There are some places you could look or advertise your group 

  1. Meetup 
  2. Facebook - Allows you to find groups, pages and societies with events 

Now lockdown is over, maybe you are thinking about what new activities you want to try. Or perhaps you want to meet others who share the same interests as you. Here are some key factors to consider when creating your meetup group.  

  1. Why are you meeting? 


Consider what attracts people to your group, and how you’ll attract those members. When considering this question, you may be asking yourself the following questions.

  • Which platforms will you use to promote your group?
  • Is your group a niche passion or a common interest for many? 
  • How can you gain more members?

HOT TIP #1: Keep it simple! Starting a group doesn’t need to be difficult or overwhelming!

Here are five examples of meetup categories 

  • Networking - meeting others in your industry 
  • Mastermind - an intimate group to provide support and encouragement
  • Retreat - taking time away from work
  • Conference - new professional connections and exploring topics
  • In-person workshops - members learn or explore a skill 

  1. Build your profile

Once you’ve considered the groups unique selling point, consider how you’ll market the group. 

Make sure you focus on 

  • The about page: explain concisely who your group is for, the activity, how people can get involved and what you’ll gain from being a member.
  • Creating the ‘brand’: You may consider creating a logo or using some set colours, fonts, photographs and backgrounds to improve the appearance of your group.

For free stock photographs to Jazz up your website check out our other blog post here *INSERT LINK TO STOCK PHOTO POST*

  1. Location, Location, Location

The most admin heavy point of them all, finding a venue that is within your budget or supports your activity! Consider how easy your venue is to find, and how members could travel to your venue. Make sure it is a safe and adequately sized space that is inclusive of members with disabilities. 

The ultimate checklist when finding a meetup location:

  1. Inside, outside or online?
  2. Capacity!
  3. What amenities do you need? (Kitchen, tables, chairs, toilets, sound equipment, projectors, storage space or sports equipment)
  4. Quiet or Loud? Do you need a venue you can hear a speaker, or do you want to encourage conversation?
  5. Have you asked other organisers and your community for advice?
  6. Visit the space! This sounds obvious, but make sure you meet before you discuss your requirements with the venue owner! Make sure it does what it says on the tin!

4. Set the date 

Most sites suggest a minimum of three months to organise your first meetup. Perhaps this feels too long, or too short, your group = your rules. 

Do consider when members may be able to attend. Your venue may have a busy schedule, but try to opt into a weekday meetup (Venues are often cheaper, and members are more likely to attend!). Monday and Tuesday have historically been good days to set the meetup on! 

You should also consider how long it takes to travel to and from your venue. Or even what other commitments your members could have, for example, avoid planning a mother’s social club at 10 pm! 

Some free or cheaper venues to consider:

  • Community centres 
  • Churches 
  • Sports clubs 
  • Your local park 
  • Use your own space
  • Utilise someone else’s space

5. Capacity

How will members attend? If you are unsure, it may be worth adding an RSVP/ticketing element to understand your audience reach. Try FIXR, Eventbrite, or other ticketing platforms! It could help you contact members on the day, or create mailing lists for future events. There are options to use these suggested ticketing platforms for free. 

6. Covering costs 

Costs will likely appear for your meetup group, and if not scroll on! Which costs do you expect to occur, and how will you cover them? Using a ticketing platform may allow you to charge a ticket fee per event. Or perhaps you’ve decided on a subscription fee to be a member, £5 gives you access to our events. Members could be encouraged to chip in on an Adhoc basis to keep a reserve for future events and costs. 

You could also consider being sponsored by your local council or a local business! Local companies are always looking for ways to give back to the community, whether that’s money or products you should check this out. 

If you need to payments quickly from your members to cover administrative costs, try Roqqett - Download the free app by clicking here. 


HOT TIP #2: Don’t expect your group to have superb attendance at your first meetup! Your group will grow gradually, allowing you to learn along the process. 

  1. Promotion is key! 

Tips for on the day of your event:

  • Get to the venue early, ensure you have everything you need.
  • Check the basics, (Power, lights, access, toilets)
  • Bring a camera, all this work has to be recorded! This may also come in handy for future promotion!
  • Ask for feedback from your members, they may have experience or knowledge you don’t! 
  • Remember, your members will be happy to help. You are not a one man show!
  • Don't Forget to invite your existing Friends

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