Roqqett Blog

August 24, 2021
Author: Alexandra Hurst

3 Cheaper alternatives to a Sky Account

Your sky account is an expensive TV subscription cost. So you might be considering the options, to try and save some cash.

Quick Summary

We’ve found the top three alternatives to a sky account, and we’ve suggested how these subscriptions may be better or just as good as a TV provider.

  • Netflix 
  • Amazon Prime 

HOT TIP #1 Remember that some Sky Packages have rented you your TV box, so you may need to return it. If you need to return it, here’s how to send it back, click on this link for more information. 

HOT TIP #2 If you suggest to Sky that you’d like to leave your subscription, they may offer you a discounted rate to keep you as a customer. For more information, click on this link. 
HOT TIP #3 If you are able to keep your sky box, and don’t need the clutter, try selling it. Turns out there is a big market for it, and you could make some extra cash. 

All of the options we suggest require a broadband connection, and a reasonably strong one. 


Netflix is a popular option, and this is because it’s great value for money and is relatively user friendly. 

The benefits of Netflix? No adverts on programmes, the ability to skip intros and credits and suggestions tailored to your watching history! Once you have the subscription you are free to watch as much or as little as you like. Prices start at £5.99, and end at £13.99 per month.  All packages can be cancelled at any time, with no exit fee. We like this feature, so we aren’t tied to any contracts, or could cancel it when away on holiday for example.


Content wise, Netflix has a variety of both TV and Films, with new titles added each day. Including some Netflix original content. Programmes and films can also be downloaded for on the go, perfect for a flight!

Join Netflix Here 

Amazon Prime Video 

Included within your prime subscription, which you may already have is the ability to watch a variety of TV programmes and films. Within Amazon, there are options to also subscribe to various channels and TV shows for a fixed price across a season! Amazon has also introduced various premier league football matches too, so no need to have another service! Amazon has also released several films which are exclusive to Amazon members. 

HOT TIP #4 On Amazon, not all films and TV programmes are included in the membership rate. You may have to rent or buy particular titles.

Currently Amazon Video Prime starts at £5.99, this does not include other prime features. So we’d recommend the extra cash for the £7.99 deal which gets you additional benefits. Signing up for a year, gets you a saving of £15.89 per year, at a yearly membership costing £79.99.  

HOT TIP #5 You may be eligible for a 30 free trial, so you can work out if prime is for you. Also check out discounts for prime membership, there is currently a student discount option. 

Join Amazon Prime Video now 


NOWTV is actually owned by Sky, so it may be the obvious choice to switch to. NOWTV offers much of the same content, without the long term contract. NOWTV has a different subscription method, you buy by ‘entertainment pass’ so you only pay for content which you are interested in. Day passes, monthly passes and packages are available. 

HOT TIP #6 Keep track of how many entertainment passes you get, or you could be paying more than your sky subscription. 

HOT TIP #7 If you have a clubcard you could receive a discounted NOWTV price!

In terms of price, it varies depending on what you wish to subscribe to. But some packages start at £5.99 per month. 

Join NOWTV here 

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